Book Ripple

Book Ripple helps authors create, produce, and publish books that will grow and multiply their core business. That is what we do ... we help you grow and multiply!

What We Do

Challenge Me! Dare to Be Greater

by Brian Mast

If you want to instill boldness, goal setting, a good work ethic, and entrepreneurial thinking into the young people in your world ... this book will do it!

Talking is one thing, DOING is another. This book is practice in action!

To young people ... are you wanting to:

• Get ahead?
• Make more money?
• Advance to the next level?
• Gain recognition?
• Build muscles?
• Be smarter?
• And more?

Whatever you want, when you set your challenges in place and then do them day by day, amazing things happen!

And if you can make money while doing it, all the better, right?

Use this book to outline, track, and get paid for your challenges. Repeat as desired.

It’s all yours … if you want it.

NOTE: and if you want to sponsor this book into your local schools or neighborhoods, contact the publisher.

Pre-order 1-24 copies

From Bad to Wonderful

by Toby Ignal

Join Toby in her adventurous life filled with happiness, blessings, lessons, and love. Although her life got off to a shaky start, she remained strong and built a wonderful family and countless friendships which have endured over the years.

From Bad to Wonderful: Life Goes On For Toby Ignal is a true labor of love for Toby. She tells her life story as she remembers it. More than a stroll down memory lane, this is Toby’s life with the curtain pulled back. Her story is bound to make you smile and cry, only to smile again, but much wider. So, sit back and enjoy this ride!

Toby Greenberg Ignal was born in New Haven, Connecticut, during WWII. She worked at Yale New Haven Hospital before retiring and moving to Florida. She now enjoys spending time with her friends, husband Alan, daughter, and granddaughter. This is Toby’s first book.

NOTE: If you have a legacy that needs to be captured in a book before it is forgotten forever, contact the publisher for more information.

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Building Myself Up - Growing More Confidence, Love, and Success

by Brian Mast

When what you want or envision about yourself comes out of you, then you will have and be what you have been working on … because it’s inside of you!

But getting it inside of you, that is the challenge.

The secret is in repeatedly filling yourself with the very truths that you want in your life!

That is what this book does. It helps fill you with what you want.

Your growth then becomes inevitable!

NOTE: To leaders ... if you want to create your own "Building Myself Up" book for your target audience, contact the publisher immediately.

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Overcomers - the Blake Hyland Story

by Blake Hyland

Making the impossible possible.

That is what overcomers do. With grit, determination, grace, and even a smile, they do what most people would quickly say cannot be done.

Whatever you struggle with in life, when you see what an overcomer has dealt with or deals with on a daily basis, it has a way of making your burden not quite so heavy.

Overcomers are inspirations. They are motivators. They are challengers. They are heroes. All of this, simply by being who they are.

This is the story of Blake Hyland, traumatic brain injury survivor from Waco, Texas. Get ready to be inspired!

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Highest Flyer on Earth - the Life of J. J. Fanning

by T. M. Jacobs

Long before adrenaline junkies and daredevils captivated the world, there were aeronauts—pioneers of the skies who thrilled audiences with their hot air balloon and parachute stunts. History has largely forgotten these fearless performers, who traveled with state fairs and vaudeville shows. However, thanks to the meticulous research of T. M. Jacobs, the daring exploits of aeronaut J. J. Fanning are now immortalized.
Because of Tim Jacobs' dedication to uncovering the story of J. J. Fanning, we can experience the thrill and excitement of Fanning's adventures as if we were there, watching him soar above the fairgrounds. Jacobs' work ensures that the legacy of J. J. Fanning, and those like him, will continue to inspire and amaze us for years to come.

NOTE: If you have a legacy that needs to be captured in a book before it is forgotten forever, contact the publisher for more information.

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Seeds of Success - a Journey from Success to Significance

by Bill Moyer and Billy Moyer

Seeds of Success came out 15 years ago! It is hard to believe it has been that long. Since it was published, 10,000 copies made their way into the hands of leaders who needed a spark to help them focus on what matters most. Thousands more digital copies have been distributed. It was even translated and published in two other countries, Indonesia and Poland.

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Square Peg - Learn to Stand Up and Be a Square Peg

by Cheryl Wyller

The 6th grade drama in Rose Middle School is starting to get to LilyAnn. Her conscience is struggling as she fights for her spot in the popular crowd. She knows what Charlotte and Raegan are doing to the new girl is wrong, but what can she say? What can she do? As long as they don’t ask her to say or do those things it’s not like she’s really being mean, right?
During the musical try-outs Charlotte has gone too far! LilyAnn knows she is the only one that can stop her and save the new girl. Is it possible that LilyAnn has grown enough to be able to stand up to the girls she wanted to be friends with, to do the right thing for a girl she just started talking to?
Follow LilyAnn as she travels the path of self-discovery from bystander to hero, all while behind the doors of Rose Middle School.

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Educ8ing All

by Cheryl Wyller

8 Guiding Principles for Maximizing Success Through Collaboration, Communication, and Positive Relationships

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The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord

by Scott D. Miller

Explore the extraordinary invitation to live beyond our world’s fears, and the secret to real peace in life. Start your walk on the ancient paths of our Father’s Holiness and experience living in a realm of spiritual wholeness.

While this world systems falter and religions have no real help, rediscover the Spirit of God’s powerful personality to secure and strengthen you. God’s transforming power of holiness and love will get you through any calamity this world unfolds.

This narrative develops the reality and power behind the life of a pastor that was transformed by the FEAR OF THE LORD! That transformation is for everyone.

Overcome natural fears
Overcome demonic fears
Overcome relational fears
Walk in the Fear of the Lord

Scott Miller serves as pastor of Kingdom Life Ministries in Hesston, KS. He and his wife, Wanda, have been married for nearly 40 years and have two sons and two daughters.

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Loves Me, Loves Me Not - for the dating couple

by Brian Mast

Dear Dating Couple, Having these truths of God’s unstoppable and unquenchable and unfathomable love for you in your heart and mind as you walk through the dating season and on into marriage … will bring life and blessing every step of the way. I promise you, knowing you are loved changes everything! Love is the foundation that everything is built upon, so enjoy building the life you want. No more picking petals off flowers and wondering if you are loved! – Brian Mast


The Sharkbite Method

by Nick Kraus with Kelsea Cap

Nick Kraus is an accomplished entrepreneur and business leader, serving as the Founder and CEO of Kraus Marketing, an award-winning agency known
for its exceptional marketing strategy and creative.

Kraus Marketing has achieved remarkable success, earning a place on the esteemed Inc 5000 list multiple times. In addition to his role at Kraus Marketing, Nick is a recognized thought leader in the marketing and business community, providing valuable guidance to professionals seeking to stay ahead in the ever-evolving business landscape.

The need for outsourced strategic marketing stems from a multitude of reasons, including bandwidth challenges, limited capabilities, and stagnant marketing strategy. As a CEO, CMO, marketing director, or business owner, you may be wondering how digital marketing can help your business improve brand recognition and increase ROI. You keep hearing about the importance of marketing but can’t see how it fits into your industry or current needs.

This book introduces an integrated digital marketing strategy built on leveling up emerging mid-market and large enterprise companies in all industries through easy to understand tactics. It will teach you how to:

Build brand value
Shorten sales cycles
Drive leads to create revenue

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Organic Traffic Secrets

by Becca Dunkin

Becca Dunkin is an Atlanta-based author, speaker and digital marketer.
When a family tragedy left her reevaluating her priorities and life goals, Becca left a career as a chiropractor for one that would give her more flexibility, income and, importantly, time to spend with her family.
In just a year she had turned her new passion into a multi-seven-figure income and the freedom she had only dreamed of.
Today she continues to grow her income from digital marketing while teaching others – through courses, in-person appearances, and now this book – how to pursue their dreams and achieve wealth in the digital world. Head over to for her course, Millionaire Money Magnet.

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Stop Chasing Two Rabbits

by Pat Hyland

Are you at a crossroads? Should you pursue a new career to help accomplish your personal and financial goals? Have you ever considered starting your own business?
If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, then this book is for you.
As you walk through the practical exercises to define your dreams, goals, needs, and quality of life requirements, you will determine how best to achieve them.
So, what are you waiting for? Stop chasing two rabbits and let’s get started!

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Coffee Crawl

by Book Series

Each Coffee Crawl book simply lists every coffee shop in your local area. You choose your area, we create your book, and you put it to use ... to grow YOU!

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by Book Series

You get to strengthen, affirm, build up, edify, validate, and encourage every dad, grandfather, uncle, brother, nephew, son, and child in the world.

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From the Heart

by Book Series

You tell how you navigated successfully through some of life’s toughest times, and came out smarter, stronger, kinder, and better because of it!

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Mom to Mom

by Book Series

You talk about what matters most, from one mom to another. It’s real, it’s true, and it’s just what other moms need and want to hear.

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Our World Awaits

by Book Series

You sell the world on visiting a favorite destination and the surrounding businesses, people, and sights that combine to make it a must-do on anyone’s travel bucket list.

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Farm Life

by Book Series

You offer real-life lessons that apply to everyone in every community. It’s real life, life on the farm, but it is not very often that a community gets to hear the real, practical perspective of a farmer.

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Our Local History

by Book Series

You reveal the history, stories, unknown facts, must-see locations, and things that should not be forgotten in your community. Take what’s unique and special about your local history and share it with the world!

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Good Advice

by Book Series

You collect the advice, wisdom, insights, inspiration, and secrets from those in your community who are highly successful. Everyone wants and needs it, and that benefits your entire community!

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Our Community

by Book Series

You are invited to tell the story, vision, and impact of good people who are busy making your community even better. And when you help tell their story (their charity’s story), everything they do multiplies even more!

Ask the publisher for more information.

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On Target

by Book Series

You are invited to help a local successful person break down the success strategies that brought them success … so that others in your community can do the same!

And YOU gain a powerful networking tool as a result.

Ask the publisher for more information.

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Cookies & Milk

by Book Series

You are invited to share your candid, practical, old-school advice
that ONLY grandparents with their experiences
and insights could know.

Everyone NEEDS to hear it!

Ask the publisher for more information.

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School of Hard Knocks

by Book Series

You are invited to share what you learned the hard way … so that others don’t have to!

Your story, experiences, and insights are a testimony to the fact that you earned your PhD in the school of hard knocks!

Ask the publisher for more information.

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The Adventures & Travels of Ernest F. Swartz

by Aviana Mast

Ernest F. Swartz (1916-2008) was born in Peabody, Kansas. Always an adventurer, often spending months at a time in Alaska with family and friends, he drove the Alaska Highway when it was still a gravel road! He also enjoyed climbing mountains, hunting and fishing, picking wild huckleberries, and traveling. His atlas was all marked up with highlighted routes and calculated distances.
He raised his family of seven children in Pennsylvania, then moved to Florida in the 1970s. His first wife passed away from cancer, and he remarried soon after. Sarasota, Florida was home, where he enjoyed fishing, reading, and tending his fruit trees. When he sold his home and moved into a retirement community, he took his citrus trees with him. Aviana is just one of his many great-grandchildren.

NOTE: If you have a legacy that needs to be captured in a book before it is forgotten forever, contact the publisher for more information.

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The Wisdom of Responsibility

by Casey Kanona

What’s the secret to getting the most out of life?

“Accept personal responsibility for YOUR LIFE … for it is only YOU who will get you where you want to go in life.” – Dr. Casey Kanona

Inside these pages, you will discover:

•The many benefits of accepting responsibility
•How to remedy bad habits
•What makes a responsible leader
•How to stay in growth mode
•Ways to boost your attitude

It comes down to YOU and you alone, and you can do it!

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When He Calls Your Name

by Joe Farmer

Jesus is calling you to follow Him.

In case you wondered:

• Your past does not determine your future
• He doesn’t need your resources
• You have nothing to offer Him

He wants you just the way you are. He is, after all, the Creator, and He can make something out of nothing.

And if you have been crushed, you can start over.

He has a purpose and a plan for you. So come empty. Come as you are.

Because we are all in the same boat.

Joe Farmer is a proud hillbilly born and raised in Harlan County, Kentucky. Not letting his past define him, Joe is a visionary, entrepreneur, husband, and father. Burdened with a deep desire for other people to find freedom, he has been doing just that since 1994. Today, Joe lives and works in Monticello, Kentucky.

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Small Business, Big Recruiting

by Alex Shattuck

Small Business BIG RECRUITING will help you win the battles within the Talent War we’re in.

The pandemic changed everything and small business owners are struggling to recruit more than ever.

This book will put you in a position of strength once again.

You will have what you need to go out and not just compete with, but BEAT out the “big dogs” that we are losing the Talent War to at this time. This book will position you to go out and hire your championship team regardless of the labor market you’re experiencing and all within your budget.

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The Road Less Traveled

by Larry Mast

Some of my fondest memories are of the mountains. Our church youth group in Montana, where I grew up, often spent time on weekends climbing mountains and fording streams in Glacier National Park. Our leader was an older Swiss-American gentleman, John Boss, who could walk us teenagers into the ground!

Now I am older myself. I hope and pray I never lose the spirit of adventure, the drive and ambition to reach the summit. No coasting into the finish line for me!

These stories are stones in the stream of my life. I hope you enjoy them, and if you find some you really like, try skipping them across the water of someone else’s life.

Larry Mast has served with Mercy Ships since 1984 in many positions, both onboard ship and currently at the International Support Center in Texas. Larry and Helen have two sons, Brad and Brian, and six grandchildren. This is Larry’s third book. The others are Staying on the Trail Through Trials and Along the Road.

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Secrets Every MOMpreneur Should Know

by Oaks, Zeager, and Norris

The idea of being an entrepreneur can be enticing. The idea of being a MOMpreneur is not only enticing it serves a greater purpose!

Raising babies and businesses isn’t for the faint of heart. It takes courage, persistence, a positive mindset, and a never-give-up attitude. Creating and growing your own business while still being able to be home with your children provides a myriad of benefits for the whole family.

Enjoy reading the journeys of these three successful MOMpreneurs who are rocking it in business and motherhood!

Lori Oaks, Lizel Zeager, and Edna Norris share their tips and secrets in creating balance between business and motherhood. If you are a seasoned MOMpreneur already rocking the game or new to the MOMpreneur life, the knowledge these beautiful mamas freely share will help prepare you or reignite your passion for the MOMpreneur life!

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Bring As Many As You Can

by Debbie Browne

A grieving mother discovers there's a secret community amongst us who deserve more.

You may suddenly be touched by this secret community as it's more prevalent than anyone has ever dreamed.

As you discover more, you realize how much more you do not know.

Suffering has shaped each of us touched by this secret community, teaching us who we are and forcing us to look at the essential parts of our lives.

Through numerous trials and obstacles, we have witnessed first-hand how God is moving to reach all across this planet to serve this little known, forever expanding community.

You will also be touched as you discover the more who know, the more who can help.

Together, we can bring hope to as many as we can. In return, you will receive more joy than you could ever imagine.

Would you know what to look for if it came into your life?

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I Will Until

by Darin Kidd

Be unstoppable!

If you want to get up one more time.

If you want a motivating WHY that keeps you focused.

If you want to consistently achieve your goals.

If you want to improve a little more each day.

Then you need the I WILL UNTIL mindset. With that, you are unstoppable.

Success is intentional. It requires attention, massive activity, and the right mindset. Inside these pages, you will discover exactly how to unlock your limitless power to succeed!

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The Cinderella Way

by Ruby Muza Cooley

A 20-year photography journey taught Author Ruby Muza Cooley that she was in love with a fairytale fantasy. Fairytales do have a purpose in our lives…they can help you align your reality and your dreams.

Ruby shows the way back to reigniting your dreams. Inspiration, joy, and the answers are all around you. In the right light, with the right Cinderella mindset … they become clear!

Do you feel lost?

Do you want your joy back?

Do you want to return to the fun and bliss of living?

We all love fairytales. Now you can step into the power of actually creating one!

The Cinderella Way helps you to remove lenses that don’t work and gives you permission to put on lenses that get you the results you truly want in life. You have the opportunity to bring your true authentic-self into focus.

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America - In Her Own Words

by Steve Gruber

What is America saying?
Discover what fellow Americans, from past and present, have to say about:
These words bring comfort, encouragement, and vision. After all, it is the sound of America, in her own words.

Steve Gruber is an award-winning journalist, TV broadcaster, and radio host with more than 30 years of experience. He founded and built one of America's premier TV production companies and now hosts the top-rated nationally syndicated TV and radio program, the Steve Gruber Show. No matter where you live, you can read, watch, or listen to the voice of reason, Steve Gruber, at

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Conversations From the Chair

by Jennifer Gause

In these pages, you have an inside view from the chair.

It’s life, and it’s real. That includes touching, heart-warming, and even gut-wrenching stories of real people from all walks of life.

And every step of the way, you see God’s love and compassion working through Jennifer. Though often unexpected, the impact of her conversations has reached into every corner of her world.

These stories will take you on a ride, but it is one that you will certainly enjoy!

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Pure Freedom - The Best Thing Money Can Buy

by Gene Hutchins

Pure Freedom shares a simple plan of successful do-it-yourself investing.

If you’ve considered managing your own investments and controlling your financial future, this book is for you.

In these pages, you will discover:

A way to grow your net worth
A way to avoid the cost of fees and commissions
A lazy portfolio – what it is and why it works
A look at several portfolios recommended by experts in the industry
A proven path to prosperity

Anyone can do it with very little training and effort!

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UnBrainwashed Investing

by Shaun M. Jones

UnBrainwashed Investing
How to protect your portfolio from today’s misled industry

After almost two decades as a personal financial advisor, I was compelled to write this book. Earlier in my career, after spending some time at the top of the industry, I became disgusted at the recommendations advisors were making and even began to question my own. Instead of leaving the industry, I used my disgust as motivation to become a beacon of truth for my clients.
Today … the industry is even worse. In this book, you will discover many dirty little secrets from the financial advisory industry, including:
•Why honest advisors make bad recommendations
•How advisors survive in the industry, not by giving you the best advice, but by creating revenue for their firms (usually with little or no training from the firm itself)
•Which minority of fees are worth paying
•How markets really work and the specific factors that matter
•How to invest with a strategy of certainty rather than feeling like you are gambling
If you have money invested in the market, you need to read this book. If you need to solidify your understanding of the market, or just want to keep your advisor honest, this book is for you.

Shaun M. Jones has advised clients on all aspects of investment strategy, portfolio risk, and wealth management for almost two decades. His clients have included affluent individuals and families, mostly from the legal, medical, and executive fields. A contributing author to the book Real Life Financial Planning for Physicians, Shaun has obtained several copyrights related to his research in the field of personal wealth management and has contributed to articles in major financial outlets.

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Being 100% You

by YOU for growth

Available as a business growth tool.


Being yourself requires courage, perseverance, and boldness.

Included within these pages are some of the most eye-opening, hope-giving, life-changing quotes of all time.

Apply and reapply these truths every chance you get.

Because you being 100% you is what the world needs today.

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Stand Strong - Encouragement to Keep Going

by you for growth

Available as a business growth tool.


Allow these proven principles to strengthen your heart, mind, body, and soul. They are support to help you on your way.

Your actions speak louder than words. You are already courageous, bold, passionate, strong, a risk-taker, an opportunity-maker, and a dreamer.

You are leading the way, doing exactly what you tell others to do.

May these truths give you that little bit more!

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Anibal Lopez - My World of Bodybuilding

by Anibal Lopez

A complete weight training program including a conditioning plan, barbell and dumbbell workouts, stretching exercises, a weight loss regimen, and high intensity workouts with accessory equipment.

“I have known Anibal López since his first days as a bodybuilder. He has great knowledge in both bodybuilding and conditioning. I recommend him as a supreme authority that you can trust.” – Robert Kennedy, Publisher of Muscle Mag
“Physical culture is a belief system about good health and how to achieve it. Anibal López is a true bodybuilder who radiates both fitness and enthusiasm. Now, he has chosen to share his lifelong learning with others in this new book. You will not find a better coach and personal trainer than my good friend, Anibal López. Enjoy the book. It comes from the heart of a true bodybuilder.” – Tom Ciola, Hot Stuff Nutrition Protein
“The purpose of this book is to prepare a route; a plan for people on how to achieve their fitness and health goals. This route includes an analysis of fitness goals and objectives, an analysis of one's own physique, a detailed explanation of diet and nutrition and a detailed explanation of the exercises and training routines. Step by step, one of the biggest names in bodybuilding will guide you ... Anibal López.” – Bob Gallucci, Ed. D., Natural Mr. America

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Anibal Lopez - Mi Mundo del Fisiculturismo

by Anibal Lopez

Un programa completo de entrenamiento con pesas que incluye un plan de acondicionamiento, rutinas con barra y mancuernas, ejercicios de estiramiento, un régimen de adelgazamiento y entrenamientos de alta intensidad con equipos accesorios

“Conozco Aníbal López desde sus primeros días como culturista. Tiene un gran conocimiento tanto en el culturismo como en el condicionamiento. Lo recomiendo como una autoridad suprema en la que puede confiar.”
Robert Kennedy, Publisher of Muscle Mag

“La cultura física es un sistema de creencias sobre la buena salud y cómo lograrla. Aníbal López es un verdadero culturista que irradia tanto aptitud como entusiasmo. Ahora, ha elegido compartir su aprendizaje de toda la vida con otros en su nuevo libro, Aníbal López Mi Mundo del Fisiculturismo. No encontrarás mejor entrenador y entrenador personal que mi buen amigo, Aníbal López. Disfruta el libro. Viene del corazón dé verdadero culturista.” Tom Cola, Hot Stuff Nutrition Protein

"El propósito de este libro es de preparar una ruta; un plan para las personas sobre cómo alcanzar sus metas de condicionamiento y salud. Esta ruta incluye un análisis de las metas y objetivos de condicionamiento, un análisis del propio físico, una explicación detallada de dieta y nutrición y una explicación detallada de los ejercicios y rutinas de entrenamiento. Paso a paso, te guiará uno de los nombres más importantes del culturismo … Aníbal López.”
Bob Gallucci, Ed. D., Natural Mr America

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Ride On - Enjoy the Journey

by you for growth

Available as a business growth tool.


Ready to Hit the Road?

Life is a journey, whether you just got behind the wheel or you’ve been there for ages. The sights, sounds, and smells are yours to enjoy.

How you drive your journey is up to you. You may prefer to let the road lead you or to speed around every corner. Maybe any speed is good enough or arriving with windswept hair is your style.

This life is totally up to you. That is the beauty of it. You get to live it on your own terms.

So enjoy the ride.

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Staying Closer to God

by Gary Adyniec

The Apostle Paul met Jesus on the road to Damascus and though he was a very religious person, he learned he needed a right relationship with God, and nothing stopped him from having it. We too can have that close of a relationship with our Holy God and Father through the power of the Holy Spirit, by digging deeper in His Word and communing with Him more in deeper satisfying prayer.

Pastor Gary Adyniec is a graduate of Calvary Chapel Bible College. Gary has an Associate’s Degree in Biblical Theology and has served as a Police Chaplain. Gary and Vicki, his wife of 40 yrs, just adopted their 4th child, now having a family of 7 children, 3 biological and 4 adopted. Gary has a passion to serve the Holy God of the Bible and through Scripture, show God’s people how to maintain a loving relationship with our Holy Father in awe and child-like faith.

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MORE - It's What Veterans Bring to the Table

by YOU for growth

Available as a business growth tool.


What you bring to the table says a lot about you.

Veterans bring a lot to the table, including honor, hard work, respect, sacrifice, responsibility, service, leadership, focus, planning, and much more.

Within these pages, you will get a glimpse of what is inside a veteran.

It’s encouraging. It’s motivating. And it’s powerful.

As a result, we will all want to dig a little deeper.

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And You Know It

by Steven Magwood

I admit I’m not really an LOL kind of person. I usually just chuckle kinda quiet. CKQ. It’s what I do.

Don’t get me wrong, I love to laugh, but it’s probably not as loud as your LOL. Since the invention of the cell phone, I have always texted CKQ instead of LOL, although CKQ hasn’t yet caught on as a popular acronym. I’m still holding my breath on that one.

So, dear Reader, as you sit reading in the bathroom, whether you like to LOL, or whether you prefer to CKQ like me, I hope you find yourself doing Number One or Number Two, or even a little of both!

Steven R Magwood is an American author of humor and inspiration. He lives in San Diego, California, and often sits reading Stephen King books, just waiting for something funny to happen.

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Play Outside - and Make It Beautiful and Bountiful

by you for growth

Available as a business growth tool.


Your Backyard Dream List

Want to do something special with the land you live on? Maybe that includes:

• growing grapes and making wine
• making apple pies from your own apples
• having limitless flowers on the kitchen table
• making homemade strawberry jam
• creating a terraced garden
• growing your own vegetables
• crafting an epic backyard
• having fresh spices for cooking
• selling produce at your local market
• having bees and making honey
• and so much more

This book is all about making it beautiful, making it bountiful, and connecting you with local experts who can help you achieve your backyard dreams.

These local experts with their old-school skills and experiences can help you get back to nature and use your land efficiently. Enjoy the harvest!

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Secrets Every Adoptive Mother Should Know

by Foust, Lenore, and Openshaw

The Adoption Option!
All adoptive moms have a unique story, involving their own distinctive challenges and beautiful blessings.
Adoption is such a compassionate, loving gift. It is a blessing to all involved: the child, the adoptive family, and the biological family.
Discover the beauty and secrets that these three brave moms, Shannon M. Foust, Vicki Lenore, and Dawnese Noel Openshaw wholeheartedly share through their individual journeys. Their journeys are filled with valuable lessons built on hope, trust, and love.
While each adoptive mom’s experience differs, one beautiful truth they have in common is that while their kids may not have been born from their womb, they were born in their hearts.
Here are just some of the secrets that every adoptive mother should know!

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While You Are Waiting to Die

by Brian Mast

Both cases seemed unsolvable. For Detective Roland Beckett, the two cases on his desk were dead ends. First, there was young Timothy Williams, abducted from his sister’s birthday vacation in Italy. Then there was Heidi Johnson, tied to a tree, doused with gasoline, and almost set ablaze.

Violent crimes, yet the perpetrators escaped without leaving a trace. And most unexpectedly, both victims were able to walk away virtually unharmed. Usually for Detective Roland, the teens he worked with were already dead. With Timothy and Heidi, they were very much alive.

When faced with certain death, we make promises, we view the world differently, and what we held so dear just yesterday is now suddenly less important. Detective Roland knew that. What he didn’t know was whether the cases were connected.

But while you are waiting to die, anything is possible.

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In My Weakness

by Jacob Berry

God Is Your Strength

In Paul’s 2nd letter to the church at Corinth, he admits that he has an infirmity and weakness. However, through his weakness, God is his strength.

In this book, I share about my own personal weaknesses and what God is in my life. You will discover that for every weakness in our life, God is ….

Jacob has been a great friend and a great encouragement in my life! – Kenny Parson

I don’t know what you are facing or what you are going through, and it may seem bigger than you right now, probably because it is, but it is not bigger than God! – Patrick O’Dell

Jacob Berry has inspired me so much, he’s given me a very special feeling of joy, cheer and excitement because he is rooted and grounded in the Word of God. – Marlana VanHoose

This dependence on the Almighty has given Jacob Berry an anointing unlike anyone I have ever met. – Brian Baer

Jacob Berry is a living example to anyone going through struggles in life. – Calvin Ray Evans

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5 Strategies to Effective Goal Setting

by Adonis Lenzy

Most people randomly select goals without giving much thought or intentionality to them.

But every goal needs a plan.

Strategizing will help you methodically select a goal and also equip you with the necessary tactics and mindset to give you the momentum and will power you need in order to achieve it.

5 Strategic Steps

Step 1: Choose a goal you desire

Step 2: Make your goal a priority

Step 3: Change your mind-set

Step 4: Give your goal a deadline

Step 5: Navigate the highs & lows

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Building Your Queen Life

by Claire Niibu-Akau

Wandering through life on auto-pilot?

Wondering if there's more to life than survival mode?

Worried about money?

Building Your Queen Life is a powerful book filled with an arsenal of simple tools to transform your life.

Want to increase your income? Want to know the secret formula to creating a life you absolutely love?

Then read on!

CLAIRE NIIBU-AKAU is an author, professional keynote speaker, and transformational business coach. She is the founder and creator of the Queen Bee’s 90-Day Transformation Program that helps to empower entrepreneurs to overcome their most hidden blocks and gain the confidence they need to accelerate their business results. She combines her innovative marketing techniques with the foundational work of personal development and Universal Laws to help entrepreneurs 10x their income. Claire is blessed with four beautiful children, two daughters-in-love, and an amazing granddaughter and currently lives with her two younger children in Waikele, Hawaii.

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My Bucket List

by Adonis Lenzy

What's on your bucket list? Whatever it is, it must be important!

And if it's important, then it's high time you accomplished it. That's what this book is all about: setting goals and being committed to accomplishing them.

Inside, you will find a simple yet proven way to accomplish those goals in your bucket list.

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by Marian Fryga Hendrix

Somewhere embedded deep inside each one of us is the desire to do God’s will.

Like a butterfly, we start out hiding in a cocoon. At the proper timing in our lives, we move out from the secure warmth of the enclosed environment to become like a caterpillar.

We journey through life, learning many valuable lessons through our joys, heartaches, celebrations, and trials.

Our entire life is a learning process where our minds are transformed to be discerners of God’s will for us. That good, acceptable, and perfect will of God leads us to perfect peace in Him.

I am like you in this caterpillar stage of life. My goal is to attain God’s purpose for me. Then I can become that butterfly dressed in beauty and flying to new heights. May these pages give you encouragement for the day.

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Walking Wounded

by Mark Jones

Everyone needs a counselor, and this powerful book is an incredible counselor. It reveals in easy-to-understand principles how to deal with some of the hurts that may be bothering you.

We all have baggage ... why not stop, take a breather, and get rid of all the baggage? You’d be surprised how fast you can get rid of it once you stop and start dealing with unresolved issues.

Author Mark Jones has captured the process of counseling and has turned that around so that you can see clearly how to move beyond anything that might bind you.

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Finding Our Way Back

by Gary Adyniec

If the Israelites could wander away from God after seeing all the miracles that He did during 40 years in the wilderness, how far might we have wandered since the miracle of the Cross and Resurrection?
This Daily Devotional is a tool to bring us back to our Holy God, and keep us close to Him as we walk through this life … right on into eternity.

Pastor Gary Adyniec is a graduate of Calvary Chapel Bible College. He holds an Associate’s Degree in Biblical Theology and has served as a Police Chaplain. Gary and his wife, Vicki, have been married for 39 years and are foster parents, currently serving their 19th foster child. Gary has a passion to serve the Holy God of the Bible and through Scripture, lovingly direct God’s people back into the reverence and respect due this Holy God.

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Woman on Fire - 12 Ways to Harness Boldness, Authentic Power and Stand in Your Truth

by April Hurst

Are you pursuing your purpose?

Where do you turn when you cannot continue in the direction you are going?

When enough is enough, what will you do?

Life is full of tough question that demand tough answers. Inside these pages you will find encouragement to take the risks necessary to reach your dreams.

After all, that’s what you want, isn’t it?

You are about to embark on a new life filled with unexpected turns, tremendous challenges, and unchartered territory. That is what it takes to become a WOMAN ON FIRE!

April Hurst is a highly sought-after success coach, business leader, keynote speaker, and inspirational thought leader who specializes in helping women access life and business management tools to increase their impact in their world. As an entrepreneur and one of the top female earners in the direct sales industry, she is acutely aware of the challenges women must overcome to pursue their purpose. April is an expert at helping others crush limiting beliefs, integrate success strategies, get unstuck, and fulfill their wildest dreams. April resides in Cincinnati, OH. Her greatest joy is helping others achieve their highest good.

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5 Mindsets that Move You Forward

by Adonis Lenzy

Mindsets That Move You Forward

Avoid getting STUCK in your mind by developing these five dynamic mindsets that will keep you moving forward in the pursuit of reaching your dreams and goals in life.

Mindset #1
The Get Going Mindset

Mindset #2
The No Matter What Mindset

Mindset #3
The Get Back Up Mindset

Mindset #4
The No Fear Mindset

Mindset #5
The Finish What I Start Mindset

ADONIS LENZY is an author, speaker, podcaster, and TV show host who enjoys speaking to all audiences and inspiring them to live the life they have imagined by fully pursuing their dreams.

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Complacency Kills

by Alex Shattuck

Are you an entrepreneur or small business owner?

You probably started with dreams of having a high income AND freedom. You may have found, once the honeymoon phase was over, that you sacrificed one, if not both, of these objectives.

It was supposed to be high income AND freedom … not either/or and certainly not neither/nor!

This book was written to make it an “AND” for you! The author masterfully applies the brutal lessons he learned in Iraq to business here at home. Inside these pages you will find clear and relatable instructions on how you can decrease your hours in the business while increasing your profits from it.

In addition to other powerful strategies, you’ll discover how to:

•Kill complacency in PEOPLE. Learn to get more out of yourself and your team without increasing payroll expenses.

•Kill complacency in MARKETING. Learn how to maximize your marketing dollars and give your team the best opportunities to drive production and growth.

•Kill complacency in organizational STRUCTURE. Learn to scale your business, add significant profits, and gain unlimited freedom as the business owner.

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Sell Anywhere - Live Your Adventure While Crushing Sales

by Donnie Tuttle

Your talent should not be limited to a zip code!

Do you find yourself wishing you could travel and sell? This book will show you exactly how to do just that!

In 2016, salesman-by-day, dreamer-by-night, Donnie Tuttle stepped into an adventure reserved for the wealthy – world travel with his family of 10. Without a roadmap, he learned to sell his way through the adventure and charted his own course.

Every three months, they would move into a new home in a new city, sight-unseen. They did this for almost three years. Business soared and the family experienced the world!

This book outlines the lessons he learned and shows you how to create your own strategy for your amazing traveling sales adventure. Discover how to:
•Plan your adventure
•Create time and space
•See sales as an act of love
•Use technology effectively
•Live your adventure
The world has never been more open to those who want adventure. You can create the most vivid version of your life possible, and if that includes travel and selling, this is your roadmap.

If you can sell anywhere, you can sell everywhere!

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HOPE - Proven Words of Hope from Those Who Have It

by Brian Mast

These TESTED words of truth have the power to lift you up!






Let these PROVEN TRUTHS seep into your heart, mind, body, and soul. They will grow and blossom, taking you where you want to go.

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La Falacia Racial

by L. Barrington Allen

¡La Sanidad nos Aguarda!
Aquello que nos dividió nos ha robado la oportunidad de cuidarnos entre nosotros mismos. Si estamos divididos no podremos sanar. ¡Pero cuando sanemos, podremos vivir la vida en el diseño de Dios!

Dentro de estas páginas encontraras:
•La razón por la que palabra “raza” daña a todos
•Que unifica a todas las Etnias
•Respuestas acerca de cultura que hacen sentido

Las palabras que usamos nos han mantenido separados y vacíos como un árbol podrido. Es tiempo de sanar nuestros corazones, nuestra tierra y nuestras naciones.

Después de todo, estamos juntos en esto… y eso no es una falacia.

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The Life of the M/V Good Samaritan

by Captain Al & Betty Lou Bennett

Come take a journey with Captain Al and Blue as they share the joys and heartaches of their time aboard the M/V Good Samaritan, Mercy Ship’s smallest vessel. Serving from 1988 through 1991, they lived aboard the ship and traveled the Amazon and the Caribbean with a loving and dedicated crew of 28. Later, the M/V Good Samaritan was renamed the M/V Island Mercy, where she served in the South Pacific.

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Inklings - Vol. 1

by Dallas Patton

Here are two ideas: One, I am extra-ordinary (not all that special) and two, these inspirations and insights are readily available to anyone who searches for them.

I truly believe we have lost our sensitivity to such things. I believe a person can find inspiration all around them if they will open their ears to the elusive whispers and be receptive to the slight nudges.

It is in this belief that I am faithfully presenting these inspired thoughts to you in hopes that you too will see and hear the lessons being shared all around you and to encourage you to share them with the rest of us.

Dallas Patton is the proud father of two great kids and has been married for 12 years to a very loving and gracious wife. He travels with his family around the country for construction work. He holds no formal credentials or accolades to qualify him to the elevated status of author, much less purveyor of thoughts worthy of your purchase, other than faithfully sharing inspired thoughts since 2015. This is his first attempt to better steward these thoughts in a more permanent manner. It is his greatest hope that this book serves many readers in such a way as to encourage them to pursue the void in between their ears and explore the rabbit trails of life and embrace the quiet times in search of greater wisdom and more understanding and to share their insights with others. Please enjoy his first and last, first book!

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Wealth of the Wilderness

by Rebekah Joy

Often when we think of a wilderness season, we associate it with words like "difficult" and "long"—descriptors of its form, which is a distinctly Western way of perceiving it. Wealth of the Wilderness offers a cultural lens adjustment, helping us see wilderness through a Middle Eastern lens so we can better grasp its function.

When we embrace the becoming that wilderness offers, we are positioned to inherit deposits and shed unnecessary baggage so we can weather wilderness seasons—indeed, all of life—more effectively.

Rebekah Joy is a biblical culturalist, facilitator, and author who helps people engage with the Bible in its historical, geographical, linguistic and cultural context. A graduate of Liberty University, Rebekah has received additional training through Ashland Theological Seminary and the John C. Maxwell Certification Program.

Living in Bethlehem, combined with extended time studying the Bible onsite in its original settings—the Middle East, Italy, and Greece—continues to be Rebekah's greatest source of learning, discovery, and inspiration.

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The Missing Link

by David Lee

Take the challenge…discover the blueprint for a better life!
The Missing Link takes you on a journey that will challenge you to your very core. It will have you laughing, and it will bring you to tears with the stories that will put a different perspective on how you see the world. David asks, “If I told you, you don’t know what you don’t know, would you take the time to find out?”

Chapter One Challenge: Take Every Thought Captive
Chapter Two Challenge: Being Not Doing
Chapter Three Challenge: Put Your Oxygen Mask on First
Chapter Four Challenge: Eliminate the Noise
Chapter Five Challenge: Write Your Testimony
Chapter Six Challenge: Disobedience, Write Your List
Chapter Seven Challenge: The Moral Challenge, Have the Conversation
Chapter Eight Challenge: The Leadership Challenge
Chapter Nine Challenge: The Forgiveness Challenge

David Lee is a life coach, entrepreneur, business owner, real estate investor and now author. The Missing Link is his personal story and the life lessons he shares will both challenge you but also inspire you to become the man/woman God has intended you to become. David has spent the past ten years studying leadership development and personal development. His passion is helping people develop spiritually, financially, and relationally. Reading this book, you will laugh, cry, and learn that inner healing is necessary for complete freedom.

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One Church - God's Plan for Unity in the Body of Christ

by Darrin Baldwin

The power of the Body of Christ does not rest in individual churches operating effectively. Our greatest strength lies in our ability to operate as ONE! We have all personally seen (or heard of) churches that have operated in great effectiveness and strength. Our ability to operate as individual churches has not produced the level of impact on the world that we have the potential to produce. But when we come together as ONE Church, we will attain a level of power, grace, love, and effectiveness that has never been possible before now.

I don’t have all of the answers, but I am looking forward to the brighter days ahead, where the Body of Christ comes together as one to fulfill the great call of reaping the harvest of lost men and women in the Earth. Until this happens, we must pray, we must believe, and we must walk in the light of all the scripture that we have!

Unity may seem too daunting a task to accomplish, and in our own strength, it will be impossible. But let’s keep in mind that with God, all things are possible. A massive shift in the Body of Christ will have to take place, as well as a move of God’s Spirit and great illumination from the scriptures.

I believe that these things will happen; I’m just not sure which generation it will happen for. I want to encourage you to keep your heart open and make a point to think about the things you read in this book until you have started to settle them in your own heart.

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Journey to My FutureNow

by Chris Musgrove

The FutureNow story is a 30-year journey from being a “hometown youth pastor” to a “man on a mission from God” to reach a forgotten, often overlooked, commonly believed unreachable group of people: Kids in the public schools! To date FutureNow ministries has impacted 251,000 junior high and high school students within 55 counties representing 291 schools with a message of renewed vision for their life and hope for their future.
Known as the “class-clown,” barely graduating high school, failing out of college, and getting arrested, Chris Musgrove was living a life headed nowhere. At twenty years old, he hit rock bottom. Realizing that he needed a plan!
God’s plan for my future and hope began the minute I gave my life to Jesus Christ and has been unfolding ever since taking my family and I on this journey of a lifetime.

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Letters from Brooklyn

by Ashley Runner

Get ready to fall in love with “Brooklyn,” as Ashley takes you on an emotional rollercoaster ride that will keep you on the edge of your seat until you find out what the mother decides to do with her unborn child.
When God put it on Ashley’s heart that she needed to write a book, she thought to herself, “This is crazy, I just don’t have the time.” Being a full-time working mother, she decided to shrug it off. But the voice of God was persistent, and when He gave Ashley the vision that she would be writing a book from a baby’s point of view as its mother contemplates having an abortion, she knew she had to follow through and complete this powerful story that God had given her.

In Letters from Brooklyn, Ashley painstakingly and eloquently shares her personal story of the soul searching and heartache related to an unplanned pregnancy. Her “letters” force the reader to relate to an unborn baby girl in a humane and emotional manner, refraining from naming this tiny human a fetus or an embryo, but by her name: Brooklyn. – Robin L. McGuire

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The Fallacy of Race - IN FIJIAN

by L. Berigitoni Elene

Veivakabulai sa Vakarau!
Na veika e tawasei keda, sa mai butakoca na madigi ni noda veikawaitaki. Ena sega ni rawa me’da vakabulai kevaka eda bula veitawasei tiko. Ena gauna eda sa vakabulai kina, sana rawa me’da bulataka na bula sa nakita tu na Kalou!

Ena loma ni vola oqo e raici kina:
•Na vuna na vosa oqo “matatamata” ni sa rui veimositi raraba
•Na cava e rawa ni duavata kece kina na yavusa tamata
•Saumi ni vakatataro baleta na itovo vakavanua ka vakaibalebale

Na vosa eda dau vakayagataka sa tawasei keda tikoga ka sa qiqo me vaka e dua na vunikau vuca. Sa kena gauna me vakabulai na veiyaloda, noda veivanua kei na noda veimatanitu.

Ia oqo, eda sa duavata kece kina…o ya e sega ni veivakacalai.

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Ascend Together - A Field Guide for Young Legacy-Minded Servant-Leaders

by Enay Coaching

Would you agree that it’s important for leaders to lead by example? I believe it is, and so before I go any further, I want to make sure you know that the leadership journey in this book is a journey that my team and I have been on for a long time now. We’re not just sharing things we think. We’re sharing things we know from experience!

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Ten Minutes with Jesus - Advent

by Chris Mann & Rebecca Mann, O.P.

Have you ever wondered what family prayer could be beyond reciting memorized prayers? Ten Minutes with Jesus is a hands-on devotional designed to bring Christ to families, especially children, in a way that has everyone excited to do more. For every day in Advent you get:
• a reading from the lectionary • a hands-on activity • a reflection • questions for deeper meditation
Using everyday objects and simple activities, Ten Minutes with Jesus will open your family’s hearts to wonder and joy this Advent season and create a habit of family prayer that will impart a faith that isn’t so much a part of life as it is the stuff out of which life is made.

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The Fallacy of Race

by L. Barrington Allen

Healing Awaits!
Whatever divides us robs us of the opportunity to care for one another. And if we are divided, we cannot heal. But when we do heal, then we can really live life as God intended!
Inside these pages you will discover:
· Why the word “race” hurts everyone
· What unifies all ethnicities
· Answers about culture that make sense
The words we use have kept us divided and hollowed like a rotten tree. It is time to heal our hearts, our lands, and our nations.
After all, we are all in this together ... and that is no fallacy.

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The Life of Clyde Schneider - The Devil Made Us Do It

by Clyde Schneider

This book was not meant to be a family history or a complete story of my life. It only contains a few of the events which I enjoy remembering and telling. I’ve been a business owner, salesman, pilot (powered and sailplane), and a hobbyist with a metal workshop. Now happily retired!

Martha and I raised five children and they have produced nineteen grandchildren and seventeen great grandchildren. Two of the “greats” are recently married, so you see where these numbers are headed!

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Next - What To Do When You Know There's Something More

by Adonis Lenzy

Sometimes in life we find ourselves still dreaming the dream but not living the dream. We reach a place called “Stuck,” which has the potential to lead to discouragement and unhappiness. We do the same old activities at work, school, or home while constantly imagining the life we really want to lead.
Next will show you how to:
• Manage the emotions of your now situation
• Get unstuck and start moving again
• Face your fears head on and conquer rejection
• Increase your capacity for more and kiss mediocrity goodbye
• Make your next days your best days
It’s never too late to take strategic steps toward the future you want to have. You don’t have to be stuck. Next will show you what to do when you know there’s something more.

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The Life of Bert Yetman - My 20 Years After the USAF

by Bert Yetman

The following stories are snapshots of my life of flying around the world after spending 20 years in the United States Air Force.

If you have served with the USAF, then you may have extra appreciation, get an extra laugh, from what you read.

And if you, like me, have looked down on the endless ocean, flown through hurricanes, or landed on runways that don’t deserve the name, then you’ll enjoy these stories as well!

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The Life of Don Hoffmeyer - Driving Lessons

by Don Hoffmeyer

You are maybe deciding whether to read or buy this book. The title or the jacket may have attracted you. But do you really want to read it? This moment is a lot like eying that car in the showroom. You are attracted but begin a slow walk-around. Chapter two describes the walk-around before driving a bus. Vehicle walk-arounds, preflights, and examining a book are similar.

One of my pilot friends had over ten thousand flying hours. He still used a checklist before flying his Cessna 180; except for his grey hair, he resembled a kid about to solo. Today, after five million miles of driving, I hope that, like him, I am that intent on my next walk-around.

So what’s in this book? If you skip chapters one and two you will avoid most of the stuff about me. Then I tell what driving has taught me. But it won’t tell anything about semis, dump trucks, delivery vans, or bikes. (My dad and the guys at Timmy’s could tell you about them.)

I will only tell about what I learned from the people I drove. I drove them in school buses, taxis, mobility vans, my cars and their cars.

Like you, most of them had a story. I hope their stories will enrich you.

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The Life of Michael Fryga - In Memory - From Rags to Riches (1912-2000)

by Marian Fryga

A Greater Purpose
This biography of Michael Fryga inspires us to stand up to the challenges in life we face so that we may fulfill the greater purpose God has in store for us.
Every person’s life has value and our experiences bolster us up to support others through their difficult times in a difficult world. God will empower you!

Who woulda thought?
When I was a little girl in first grade, I loved books. I thought I would write my own book and illustrate it, because I loved drawing, too. We had rabbits at the time, so I created a story about Mopsey and her bunnies. I used a cut-out portion of a cardboard box for the hardbound cover and leftover bulletin pages from my Dad’s church for the pages. I still have the book. Who would have thought that a little six-year-old girl would be writing books in her adult life? I wouldn’t have thought it, but God knew and smiled. “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” (Proverbs 19:21)

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The Life of Chacah - A Christian Retreat - Always Enough

by Terry & Grace Shaw

A refuge, a retreat, doesn’t require property with a seascape or a Long Beach, or a farm, or nearby national parks. Maybe you have raised your family and part of an empty nest is available. Even a spare bedroom with bath and kitchen privileges in your apartment within a busy city can seem like a Chacah to someone whom God wants you to serve.

The purpose of this little book is to encourage you in that service. Hopefully, it will help you in your preparation. We will try to answer these questions: Why will they come? What space will they need? How shall we prepare it? How should we prepare ourselves? How shall we treat them? What shall we furnish them? What if they bring children? What if they need counselling? Can we afford this? What will be required of us? We will try to tell you what we learned and to reassure you that there will be Always Enough.

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Control Your Destiny

by Dewayne King

H. Dewayne King is a successful banker, motivational speaker and former Southeastern Conference linebacker who resides in Atlanta, GA. He works with high schools and universities to provide "real world" personal empowerment strategies for student athletes and parents. Dewayne has an undergraduate degree in Marketing from Mississippi State University and earned his MBA at the Fogelman College of Business and Economics, University of Memphis.

King’s book, Control Your Destiny: A Practical Guide to Success for Today's Student Athletes, is designed to prepare student athletes for a promising future once their playing days are over. He writes from experience as he has become a successful banker and motivational speaker following his college career as a linebacker for the Mississippi State Bulldogs. King’s primary goal is to help student athletes remain focused on their goals and dreams during and beyond their college years.

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Discouragement, Doubt, & Compromise

by Ray Hadjstylianos

You are an overcomer!

You were born to be an overcomer. That is how you were created and how you were programmed by God.

Why is that the case?

Because as a Christian, God has a plan, a purpose, and a destiny in store for you, and for you to accomplish it all, you will need to overcome anything and everything that gets in your way.

To accomplish those plans, to achieve your purpose, and to reach your destiny, you will need to accept your role as that of an overcomer.

Your destiny awaits!

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Big Hat No Cattle

by Bill Davey

Big Hat No Cattle is a Slow and Steady Process to Financial Freedom.
A book to reignite your dreams of wealth without losing happiness. Big Hat No Cattle explores:

· Are you tough enough to be a millionaire?
· What is the Millionaire Mindset?
· What does it take and what are the disciplines?
· Learn the difference between riches and wealth.
· What does your money say about you?
· Do you find employment for your money?
· Does your money work for or against you?
· Learn the art of saving before spending.
· Your income does not determine your wealth.

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The Elias Blueprint

by Mickey Elias

Calling All Building Contractors!

The purpose of this book is to help aspiring or struggling contractors break through to their next level. In these pages you will find:
•Elias' proven step by step blueprint for success
•Tips and expert advice to leapfrog your business to the next level
•Industry specific data and insights
•Tools and resources for successful long-term results

Mickey Elias is a carpenter by trade who grew a one-man carpentry operation into his area's leading full-service remodeling firm. Along with a successful construction business, Mickey also owns two other successful businesses and is a great resource for anyone in the construction industry.

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The Life of Bert Yetman - Experiences From 20 Years (1951-1971) in the USAF

by Bert Yetman

The following stories in random order are snapshots of my life in the United States Air Force, when I joined soon after high school and continued for twenty years.

If you have served with the USAF, then you may have extra appreciation, get an extra laugh, from what you read. Enjoy.

– Bert Yetman

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The Life Of the M/V Anastasis - In Memory (1978-2007) of 29 Years of Service

by The Ship's Crew

Built in Italy in 1953, the Victoria was a 522-foot Italian cruise liner. As a cruise ship, the Victoria and her two sister ships sailed the seas, carrying as many as 800 passengers and cargo from Italy and the Mediterranean to and from Asia, via the Suez Canal.

The ship’s name was changed to “Anastasis” (meaning “resurrection” in Greek) in 1978 when she became the first of many Mercy Ships. The ship was purchased at scrap metal value, which then required four years of hard work to get the Anastasis sea worthy again.

The Anastasis served the poor and needy of the world with a fully contained hospital, 40-bed hospital ward, operating rooms, dental clinic, and X-ray room for 29 years before it was decommissioned in 2007. It has been estimated that more than 25,000 people volunteered and served on board the ship during that time.

What follows are a sample of the many crew members’ fond memories of life at sea, walking with God, working hard, and helping those who would never have received care had not the ship sailed into port.

If you ever served on board, or know someone who did, then maybe these memories will make you smile, rekindle a passion, or challenge you to keep doing what matters most.

– The Ship’s Crew

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The Life Of Mincaye - In Memory (1930-2020)

by Steve Saint

Mincaye was born into a violent “Stone Age” culture in the Amazon rain forest of eastern Ecuador, South America. His name means “Wasp.” He died of natural causes related to old age on April 28, 2020 at home in the tiny village of Tzapino. He was between 88 and 91 years of age.

When “Grandfather Mincaye,” as we knew him, helped five other Waodani warriors spear Nate Saint (my father), Jim Elliot, Pete Fleming, Roger Youderian, and Ed McCully to death on a river sandbar in 1956, there was no reason to believe anyone outside of his small clan and the five bereaved families would ever take note of that incident.

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by Rex Houze

How do you enjoy even more success in every area of your life? It starts with a positive mental attitude, which boosts your belief in your ability to accomplish more, and that increases your self-confidence and energy level!

Inside these pages you will learn how to:

•Make better mental choices
•Overcome past conditioning
•Use more of your potential
•Improve your self-talk & self-image
•How to react to setbacks

Rex bio:

In Developing a Winning Attitude, Rex offers insight into ways to enjoy more success in every area of your life by building your belief, increasing your self-confidence, maintaining a high energy level, and accepting personal responsibility.

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7 Myths About Real Estate

by Diane Fowler

Ever considered getting into the real estate business?
From students looking to the future; to second career retirees - this is the book for you.
Diane entered the residential real estate market directly after graduation from college. After 42 years of helping people buy and sell, she brings a wealth of information.
Whether you want to be self-employed, flip houses, build an investment portfolio, or just learn about something new; this "tell-all" book will get you in the trenches.
Diane truly loves her career and looks forward to each day with a smile on her face. Less than 20% of our population loves their chosen career, so it's good to read about someone with a passion for her work.
Inspirational moments peppered with humor, will keep you turning page after page.

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The Life of Tim Clark

by Tim Clark

Tim Clark masterfully brings you back to 1976 and the life of a typical 7th grader in rural Tulsa, Oklahoma. His real life challenges of dealing with the school bully, moving to a different state, and going to school in a totally new environment are down to earth. His humor will leave you gasping for air!

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TotaLee Awesome

by Lee Haney

TOTALEE AWESOME is the phrase that best describes the magnitude of Lee Haney. Lee Haney is Mr. Olympia! – having captured bodybuilding’s most coveted prize for eight consecutive contests, he was the youngest (age 24), to capture the title and earn him a place in the Guinness Book of World Records. He scored two perfect scores in 1986, the first in the sport!

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Inner Technology - How to Be Human in a Digital World

by Jenny Black

We want to be a part of a leading movement and conversation around how to live with presence, connection, and intention in a digital age.

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30 Days to Freedom: Meditations in Galatians

by Kim Reeder

Are you tired of the never-ending cycle of trying to please God and then wondering if you have done enough? In this 30-day study of Galatians, learn how to let go of a performance-based faith and live in the freedom of God’s matchless grace!

As you progress through each chapter of Galatians, you will:
1. discover what the text meant to the original readers
2. define what it means for today’s readers
3. develop applications for our lives now

If you sometimes wonder whether God is out to get you because of your failures, or if you are just tired of the performance trap, come and experience the refreshing gift of His favor through Christ!

Kim Reeder holds a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree from Mid-Continent University, Mayfield, Kentucky; a Master of Divinity (M. Div.) degree from Mid America Baptist Theological Seminary, Memphis, Tennessee; and a Master of Theology (Th. M.) degree from The Billy Graham School at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.

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Untrapped - Freedom Manifesto

by Brian Carruthers

If lately you have felt stuck, felt trapped, and have been questioning if this is all there is, your unrest is not uncommon. Frankly, it's your subconscious self raising its hand to get your attention!

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by Brian Mast

Money flows … is it flowing to you?

Income streams are everywhere. More appear every single day.

The question is, are they running in your direction? They certainly could be! You just need to learn how.

Maybe you:

• Want to get wealthy
• Want to offer a wealth-building opportunity
• Are being asked to let others tap into your business so everyone gets wealthier

Whatever your reason or position, learning how to make more money flow to you is a must!

Put this book to work for you.

This is the ideal tool to grow your business, recruit, increase sales, and take business to the next level!

Brian Mast is a NYT best-selling ghostwriter, publisher, author, and producer of 100s of books with business leaders, network marketers, trainers, speakers, and industry experts. With millions of copies in print collectively, the greatest success comes from books that help other people grow and multiply their own business … and that is precisely what this book is all about.

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Flourish - How to Start, Fund, and Grow Your Business

by Terry Luker

Is Your Business Flourishing?

To flourish, you and your business need the proper ingredients.

“If a business owner is looking to grow or expand their business, we need to find a solution to make it happen.” That is Terry’s philosophy. It is also the mission statement for his sales team.

“Flourish is a real story based on the struggles and triumphs Terry Luker and his team experienced in building ACS. I’ve personally observed their genuine passion and commitment in helping small businesses grow.” – Joe A Martin Consulting, “Developing Service-Minded Leaders Since 1983”

“In my 26 years of representing business owners, I have seen way too much hollow, bubble gum wrapper advice from self-proclaimed ‘experts.’ In this book, Terry Luker gives sound, valuable, and actionable information that business owners can actually implement to achieve real success.” – Todd Jackson JD / MBA, Todd Jackson Law, PC

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Dare to Get Rich - Shorten Your Learning Curve

by Larry Smith

Larry Smith, an American business success story, was first a two-tour decorated Vietnam Veteran. Then he spent 20 years in corporate America, only to find himself unemployed yet again at age 44. He started a part-time business in 1996 and quickly turned his self-employed venture into a very profitable business, earning more than twice his corporate income in his second year as a business owner.

Today, Larry enjoys a multiple six-figure annual passive income from this business. He has been featured in books, magazines, radio talk shows, and TV for his financial success.

Inside these pages, Larry candidly shares the life lessons and financial lessons that took him from bankruptcy in 1989 to become a millionaire today.

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We Are One

by B. Haley

Unity always brings power!
We know we are strongest when we are united, so why do we fight against the very things that bring unity, such as love, hope, truth, and freedom?
Inside this small book are the words of individuals from all walks of life who have penned the truth for the collective world to see. And believe. And change.
We can do anything when we are together. Let’s join arms.
Because we are one!

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The Yellow Brick Road for Insurance Phone Sales

by Kirk Fuqua

The Yellow Brick Road allows you to control the conversation and take customers down a path of helping them discover their wants and needs. When they say what they want, you simply offer solutions and allow them to make the choice, all while being prepared to deal with any objection along the way. It is the ultimate customer-need conversation.

And that is what this is all about.

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No Ego

by Phil McKinney

NO EGO will speak to the dreamer and resurrect the creative, limitless possibilities within you.

There is nothing reasonable about a God-sized dream, and He would never give you a dream that could be fulfilled without Him. Your future is not ahead of you, it’s within you. You are uniquely gifted and impregnated with greatness. It is God’s plan for you to be wildly successful, because your success is for the benefit of us all.

NO EGO is practical, principle-based, and full of life application. It’s time to change your internal story and change your life. It’s time to ditch your ego and find your dream.

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Master Your Sphere

by Kyle Reedstrom

Want a predictable and reliable income?
Of course you do! We all do. And that is what this book is all about.

As a sales professional, you need:

• new clients
• a source of new clients
• and a source that never dries up

When you have these ingredients, your business and income are going nowhere but up!
Mastering your sphere will give you a predictable and reliable business that you can count on for years and years to come.

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Dr. Colbert's Hormone Health Zone

by Don Colbert

With more than 30 years of experience, Dr. Colbert has finally solved the hormone puzzle. This groundbreaking book gives answers to health, weight loss, sleep, and so much more.

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6 Inches from Success

by Michael Dorsey

Is your success just 6 inches away?

It really is. You are incredibly close to your success.

So don’t stop! Keep going. Pursue your dreams … they are closer than you might think!

As you implement the success principles in this book on a daily basis, you will experience the compounding effect of success building upon success.

The end results will be amazing!

Michael Dorsey is an entrepreneur and professional network marketer. He has been featured in numerous magazines and has trained and spoken at events with many world-class speakers and leadership experts. He lives in Cumming, Georgia with his family. From mowing lawns to making millions of dollars, Michael’s passion is to help other people succeed.

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Scale It - your guide to building a competitive real estate brokerage

by Arthur Darmanin, Neil Cresswell, and Michael Darmanin

Is It Time to Scale Your Business?

You have already made the decision to take business to the next level by becoming a real estate broker. The time is now to scale it.

Where do you want your brokerage business to be in the next 5, 10, or 20 years? The answer to that question is based on the choices you make today. If building and scaling your brokerage is part of your growth plans, this is the place.

As you have seen, the real estate brokerage business can be very challenging. It’s time to start reaching your dreams. The combined wisdom and experience of these three authors is the first stepping stone in the process.

From top to bottom, inside and out, and forward and backward, you will learn how to build a competitive real estate brokerage just as you planned!

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The Leader in You

by Veney Cochran

Your true potential lies not within the possibilities of achieving what you want in life … but within the revelation of what you have to offer and give to others.

Have you considered that? Socrates wrote, “I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.”

The purpose of this book and the seven steps it contains is to not only make you think but to also encourage you to unlock your God-given potential. All the success you want in life awaits you.

So if you want more, to be better in any way, then jump in and find the leader in you!

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10 Habits of Wellness

by Michael Ellison

Our country is in trouble!

There is so much sickness, obesity, processed food, and more, yet we are falsely reassured by the medical establishment that we will be cured with a pill, procedure, or surgery!

With that as their go-to plan, millions of Americans charge into middle age denying and ignoring their physical and emotional needs. This lack of awareness leads to premature disability and disease.

When people wake up to the fact that there is no pill, procedure, or surgery that will meet their needs, most resign themselves to living out their lives in pain, limited in what they can do with thwarted hopes and dreams.

This doesn’t have to happen!

Contained in this book are the discoveries he has successfully shared with hundreds of thousands of Americans on how to reclaim their lives.

As a medical doctor, I have witnessed the power of these simple truths. I hope every person who has the opportunity to read this book will incorporate them into their lives. Over time the power of these to transform and heal are miraculous.

– Scott Conard, MD is a family medicine specialist in Dallas, Texas, and has been practicing for 36 years. He graduated from the University of South Florida / College of Medicine.

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Fit at Any Age

by Lee Haney

Lee Haney is the 8-time winner of the world’s most prestige’s professional bodybuilding title, Mr. Olympia. Married to his second-grade sweetheart, Shirley, they have two adult children, Joshua and Olympia, daughter in-law, Jennifer, and a grand daughter, Reagan.

Lee is an author and entrepreneur. His passion for fitness has allowed him to lecture in more than 30 countries. He has an extensive, yet impressive list of awards and recognitions – awarded by the United States Sports Academy, the International Federation of Bodybuilding, Bellsouth and Coca Cola (Atlanta) Centennial Award for his work associated with Haney’s Harvest House, his mentoring program for boy’s, and the prestigious position as Chair of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness (during the Clinton Administration).

He received a Lifetime Achievement award from former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for his contributions to society as a whole. Lee was recently inducted into the International Sports Hall of Fame, an honor given to only a select few. Lee maintains, “Out of all that I’ve achieved, there’s nothing more rewarding than using my gift of fitness to impact the lives of others.

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30 Ways in 30 Days

by Steve Melia

Who wouldn’t want a better life in a mere 30 days?

It might sound too good to be true, but I’ve got 30 ways to do exactly that! And in 30 days, life will be better, just you watch!

This book has one main goal … to help you achieve your dreams.

By tackling a single part of that goal each and every day, the truths in this book compound over 30 days and you will find yourself incredibly equipped for whatever comes your way. You will be stronger, smarter, faster, braver, bolder, and much more!

Take 30 days. Invest into your future. And live your dreams!

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by Rex Houze

How do you cultivate those on your team? That is a great question, one that every leader must answer.

Inside, you will learn how to:

•Bring out the best in people
•Create a motivational environment
•Increase productivity
•Reduce accidents, errors, and waste
•Improve morale
•Get greater team results

The stronger your team, the stronger your company.

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Grow Grow Trim

by Joe Britton

Why aren’t there more books on the market that show you how to transform your blog or website into a profitable Internet business? Almost everyone has a blog, website, or Facebook page these days but very few people make money off theirs. I've wondered why there's no book that shows people exactly how to do it? Well, now it's here —GROW, GROW, TRIM: 25 Simple Steps To Building A Profitable Online Business.

I’m the only technology founder & CEO who is openly sharing the secrets I learned from the companies who wrote the rulebook on Internet profits. Every step, work-around, and little-known business trick I share are the secrets that Silicon Valley millionaires don’t want you to know because they want to keep them to themselves. Not me; I am sharing these 25 simple steps with the world, providing you with the tools you need to build your own profitable Internet business from burgeoning startup into passive (then active) money making marvel.

Follow these 25 steps I used to build over a dozen profitable websites, including, “The #4 Fastest Growing Company In America”—and whether you dream of starting your own e-commerce site or becoming the next top blogger, any good business idea you have can start making money on the Internet right now.

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Today Is The Day

by Obom Bowen

The foundation of all human action is human thought. Our thought process forms the foundation on which we build every facet of our lives. Therefore, it is important for each of us to understand how our minds work – how we got the habits and attitudes, the beliefs that may stand in the way of releasing our vast inner potential and leading fulfilling and purposeful lives. Our beliefs and expectations about ourselves, our families, our organizations – indeed, our world – are directly reflected in our “performance reality.” Today Is the Day will teach you to change your “performance reality.”

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Own It - How To Launch Your Real Estate Brokerage

by Arthur Darmanin, Neil Cresswell, and Michael Darmanin

Do you plan on owning it?

For real estate agents who want to take business to the next level and become a real estate broker, the time is now to own it.

Where do you want your real estate business to be in the next 5, 10, or 20 years? The answer to that question is based on the choices you make today. If becoming a broker/owner is part of your growth plans, this is the place.

The real Estate Brokerage business can be very challenging. Avoid the mistakes that can keep you from reaching your dreams. The combined wisdom and experience of these three authors is the first stepping stone in the process.

From top to bottom, inside and out, and forward and backward, you will learn how to launch a successful real estate brokerage. Then you can own it, just as you planned!

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The Best and Worst of Postpartum Depression

by Britney Gutzwiller

Today it is rare to find real, honest, and raw help for any kind of mental struggle. We live in a society where medication is so quickly prescribed. What if the answers to help you are not found in a pill bottle? Seventy percent of women will get a form of Postpartum Depression and yet there is little to no help at all. Britney Gutzwiller – conqueror of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety – shines a light and breaks the silence on Postpartum by teaching women how to navigate their scary thoughts and heal their depression naturally.

In The Best and Worst of Postpartum, you will learn simple, yet very effective healing tools that will inspire and teach you to not only heal Postpartum but how to always live a life full of balance in mind, body, and soul.

“This book should be given to every mom! It contains powerful knowledge that most woman and men know little or nothing about. Britney did wonders with this book to explain and guide you through the process of postpartum and how to help you conqueror it!” -Kamie Mysliwiec, Business owner, Educator, Mom of 6 and conqueror of postpartum 5 times

“Britney Gutzwiller is a modern philosopher, opening your mind with new insights from the age old study of psychology. Both her content and principles form a solid foundation for effective communication and connection of being a safe and sacred mother. Let the words touch you. Let the message of Britney Gutzwiller inspire you. Allow wisdom to affect your life. After having read and mastered The Best and Worst of Postpartum, you may well discover your potential as you have never before seen it.”
-Obom Bowen, International Best Selling Author, Today Is The Day!

“Britney’s book is simple and concise! She introduces easy techniques and information to regain control of your brain! The mind is truly incredible and Britney’s book empowers you to take back control over your thoughts!”
-Kristin Buller, School Teacher, Mom of 4, conqueror of postpartum

Britney Gutzwiller is an anxiety and depression expert, specializing in Postpartum Depression. She is the creator of Be Bold Be Brave, her mentoring company where she teaches women and men to master their minds and heal anxiety and depression.

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Fall Forward

by Kim Harmon

Life will kick you in the gut. It’s never a matter of if, but when. Whether a diagnosis, a death, or failure, life will happen. When it does, you have to decide whether to fall down and stay down or to fall forward. This book tells of one family’s struggle from a fairy tale to the harsh reality of a homicide of a family member at the hands of another family member. It offers hope to those who seek it. It offers peace to those hurting from someone who has known real pain. It offers a path to true forgiveness and healing. About the author: Kim Harmon is a pastor’s wife of thirty-two years and has been in law enforcement for over twenty years. She and her husband have two grown daughters and reside in the Nashville, TN area.

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Cut the Crap

by Ambrose Leburu

Feeling stuck? Need a jolt to get moving in the right direction? This book is an unconventional, yet excellent resource to help you eliminate the (sometimes self-imposed) roadblocks to your personal and professional progress! About the author: Ambrose Leburu was born in Botswana and raised in South Africa. He has been a leader from the beginning and has a passion to inspire others into action. He is a physical trainer and was voted one of Nashville’s fittest CEO’s.

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Build It Stronger

by Robert Wolfe PHD

Let’s get right to the point to answer your questions:

#1—Is this going to increase my strength?
#2—Is this going to increase my muscle mass?

The answer to both questions is a resounding, “Yes!”

This easy-to-read book shows not only the importance and power of essential amino acids, it also reveals the secret (the right ratio and balance of essential amino acids) to making your muscles do what you want them to do.

If you are looking to increase your strength or increase your muscle mass, or both, this book is for you.

The intended use of this book is to help the company grow and multiply their product sales, recruiting, and bottom line profits. Good thinking!

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The Building Blocks of Life

by Robert Wolfe PHD

The building blocks of life possess the unique power to keep on building, regardless of how young or old we might be.

If you are looking to maintain or improve your youth, vibrancy, and health … this is for you!

What exactly are the building blocks of life? They are the essential amino acids, and inside this easy-to-read book you will quickly understand just how important these are to your muscles, your life, and your long-term health.

What is more, you will know exactly what to do next to achieve the healthy lifestyle you want.

The intended use of this book is to help the company grow and multiply their product sales, recruiting, and bottom line profits. Good thinking!

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Now Make Good

by Chas Wilson

For those who want more, for those who want to make a difference, for those who are committed to success, this book is for you!

So what is success? The good news is that each of us define our own success! But make no mistake … you must define it.

The challenge for most of us is how to achieve the desired results that lead to the success.

Don’t lose sight that results do matter. Achieving the success that you define matters.

It is time to dream again! It is time to think big again! It is time to make good on all the promises you have made to yourself and others! It is time to … Now Make Good!

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Family Goals Playbook

by Bryan and Diane Schwartz

A formula for winning at home!
It is never too late and it is never too early … to formulate a winning game plan for your family.

Winning at home is supposed to be the norm! This playbook is designed to help your family reach its full potential. While many winning teams have an established culture with inspiring goals, many families today have lost their sense of direction because of a lack of vision. In this playbook, your family can work through both its strengths and weaknesses, while at the same time creating a common goal to work toward.

• Cultivate a winning culture within your home.
• Raise the bar by establishing high expectations.
• See your family as a team at work on common goals.
• Uncover patterns that have led to hurt and frustrations.
• Create a custom game plan that empowers you to win at home.

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Stroke to Success

by Suzy Wigstadt

Imagine a journey of going from the mindset of a newborn baby to becoming a Personal Sales Trainer, encouraging growth and inspiring people to find their confident voice. Suzy was 28 years old when she had a stroke. She fought back! Today, she uses her book to both tell her story and train others to be better at what they do. Her personal, real, and inspiring training is a must for sales companies, and her book is helping open those doors!

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The Guitar Behind Dylan & Cohen

by Ron Cornelius

Author Ron Cornelius played the same guitar with countless music greats! That guitar, which hangs in the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville, TN, tells some pretty amazing stories full of humor and details, things that only someone who had been there would know. As a book, it also promotes Ron and his recording label.

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Potential - How to Reach It

by Brian Mast

This SMALL book has BIG plans … to positively impact your business!

This book is a “tool” to bring you more business, more leads, more referrals, more sales, more happy customers … whatever you need more of to grow and multiply your business!

Simply give a copy of this book to your prospects, customers, clients, leads, friends, and fans. Then stand back and watch what happens!

These small books are only $2 each when you buy a box (100 books in a box), a steep 75% discount off retail of $7.99 per book. The S/H for your box of 100 books is FREE with all pre-orders. (Regular price is $249 for a box of 100 books.)

To pre-order 100 QTY at just $2/book, simply contact Book Ripple today. Single samples are free with $3.99 S/H.

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Inevitable -- Tipping the Scales in Your Favor

by Joshua Denne

Your potential is yours to unleash. You can do it. Armed with the time-tested secrets within these pages, you will find the breakthrough you have been seeking.

You will discover the way to get what you truly want and need.

You can tip the scales of abundance in your favor! This could be the first book on your personal development journey … or it could be the final piece of the puzzle to unlock the vault containing the riches of an amazing future. Either way, it is sure to make a lasting positive impact!

This is one amazing personal development book ... and the author is using it to grow and multiply his business on every side. Sized 5x7, 144 pages, it is sure to make a massive impact.

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by Terry Luker

The biggest problem facing business owners today is access to capital. You need it when you need it, but banks are not always in a lending mode. This can cause business owners to make poor decisions and force you into loans that are not good for your future success.

Is your business ready to grow … but you need money to grow your business?

Author Terry Luker has created a book (just 64-pages, 5x7, paperback) that lenders can give to business owners. After a quick read, the business owners know exactly what to do ... call the author!

Talk about using the book as a business tool. Terry Luker has done just that.

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Argumentation and Debate

by Troyer, Harmon, & Bailey

Arguing is something that we all why do so many debate textbooks seem filled with double speak and mumbo jumbo?

Cut to the chase with a text written in simple, straightforward language from teachers and coaches who have enabled thousands of individuals to make their mark on the world through crafting simple, intelligent arguments.

Make your point and be prepared for the responses you are likely to hear, all while arming yourself with a few persuasive weapons!

With over 100 years of combined coaching and teaching experience, Ken Troyer, Gary Harmon, and Dr. David Bailey have the expertise and competitive acumen to enable readers to take on the world and win most any argument.

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Dominate Your Day

by Michael Stull, NSCA-CPT, CSCS, CHC, BA

Michael Stull is a celebrity personal trainer, wellness consultant, model, and motivational speaker who has dedicated his career to getting people into the best shape of their lives physically, mentally, and spiritually. His book is a perfect tool to multiply his workplace wellness “Lunch and Learns” and “12 Week Online Fitness Challenge” programs.

Book format: hardback, matte + glossy color cover, 400 pages, 5x7

Book description: We are all capable of achieving optimum health and wellness while accomplishing great things in life. Your health is your foundation, and your attitude is your most precious piece of real estate. These factors combined dictate your destination. Two things we can all use more of:
1. better health
2. positive motivation
Through Michael’s 365 daily motivations, you will find the necessary information to become healthy and motivated to go after what you truly want in life while adding value to the lives of others. You can do it … dominate your day!

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Breaking Conformity

by Arthur Greeno & Bryan Smith

This crafty book, a fiction story, is ideally suited to open doors for the speaker authors, Arthur Greeno and Bryan Smith. The breaking of commonly-held myths, as the book so effectively does, is also ideal because it causes controversy, and what better way to address the issue than by bringing in the authors to speak on the subject!

Book description: Breaking Conformity is a fantastic story that will educate you to understand why you should not believe or accept many common myths at face value and will also teach you how to make simple myths come true if you also do the hard work that follows many simple statements that makes up some of the most popular myths in business today.

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Let Food Be Your Medicine

by Don Colbert, MD

This book will change lives at the level of millions, and it will impact national budgets at the level of billions! It truly is a game changer. What's more, on the level of business, it opens doors and brings in more clients. The potential behind this book is off the charts.

Book format: hardback with jacket, glossy color cover, 272 pages, 6x9

Book description: Don Colbert, M.D., New York Times best-selling author of The Seven Pillars of Health and What Would Jesus Eat, provides proven tools, based on current research, for good health, an alert mind, and a longer life.
Most of us think God is not concerned with what we eat, but the Bible actually offers great insight and instruction about the effects of food on our bodies. Dr. Colbert introduces a revolutionary sugar detox method, combined with an anti-inflammatory form of the modified Mediterranean diet that resolves a broad spectrum of diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, dementia, cancer, and osteoarthritis. Just imagine – understanding how food alone can produce mental clarity, balanced weight, and longevity. Includes meal plans and recipes.

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Five + One

by Chas Wilson

Created as a strategic tool for business growth, this book will probably make millions of dollars before it's done. Well written on a subject (entrepreneurs and business) that hit a lot of buttons, the intended use for this book is all about team and growth.

Book format: paperback, matte + gloss color cover, 192 pages, 6x9

Book description: There is a simple path and track to follow that will help entrepreneurs be successful in any business. This book outlines the fundamental things that a business owner needs to understand and the things they need to do to make their business successful.

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Fighting Cancer

by Donald Metz

Sized small, 5x7, to not scare away readers, this little book is medicine for those who are fighting cancer. The author, in the medical profession, strategically planned his book series to include many books, all the same size, to address different ailments. Every book helps grow his main business. That means more clients served and more lives helped.

Book format: paperback, glossy color cover, 112 pages, 5x7

Book description: This book is a start-to-finish guide for eradicating your fear of cancer. Inside you will learn: how to test yourself using the Vitamin C toxicity test, how and why this program has helped so many people, the 6 true causes of cancer, the effects of chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and biopsies, and the wisdom of sticking to a program once you have decided to start it. Finally, a non-medical researcher shares an immune-enhancing program used successfully by his own family.

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Seven Steps to a Life of Significance

by Paul R. Brown

Master leader, trainer, and business coach, Paul Brown, use his book based on 40 years of experience to grow and multiply his own business. Makes perfect sense! What better way to consistently and accurately tell his story, and to get more clients!

Book format: paperback, glossy color cover, 144 pages, 5.5x8.5

Book description: Seven Steps to a Life of Significance is a guide book for understanding what matters most to you and creating the life you desire! It is a culmination of Paul Brown’s years of personal development, business experience, and real life learning. Paul combines the valuable theory of countless leadership experts with practical tools, allowing the reader to directly apply what they are learning to their own life and business.

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Why Is America So Sick?

by Joanne M Conaway BSN RN ND

This book serves both as a training tool (for patients seeking answers) as well as a door opener. The author, an internationally recognized speaker and radio show host, has been helping people improve their health for many years. This book is the perfect tool to multiply her efforts.

Book format: paperback, gloss + embossed color cover, 176 pages, 5.5x8.5

Book description: We were not born to be patients and yet the conventional medical paradigm views each of us as dependents who will sooner or later rely on drug prescriptions for every ailment, possible symptom, or inconvenience. That approach leads to a sick and dependent culture, precisely the one Dr. Conaway finds befalling America today and the one she so eagerly seeks to eliminate.

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Set Free!

by Kelly James Davis

Written to set people free from past deceptions, delusions, and cult-like relationships, this book was long in coming. Only someone who has walked it out could pen such words of freedom. It serves to open doors and bring the author on stage, serving the many people who have or are experiencing the same.

Book format: paperback, glossy color cover, 224 pages, 6x9

Book description: In the transparent story of her life, Kelly James Davis takes us on a journey from a typical middle class family into thirty years of a religious cult (ultimately separated from all family and past friends), totally convinced she was doing what God was asking her to do. Whether jumping off bridges, collecting donations from millions of strangers, or helping form several corporations, she was always seeking something just beyond her grasp.

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Super David!

by Steven R. Magwood

Written to impact lives, this fun fiction book was created to give to children and hospitals. This encouraging book is for the children, and parents. A real "thank you" book, it will also open untold number of doors for the author, who is giving back to his community.

Book format: paperback, glossy color cover, 64 pages, 5x8

Book description: Young Nick (the author's son who was hospitalized in real life) meets David, who can fly! Together, their amazing adventures bring hope and faith alive.

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Sky Blue Pink

by Pam Lippi

A great fiction read, but the author and her husband run a restaurant, and the book brings in customers. Smart move. Countless choices and reasons to gather, and they eat or drink at the restaurant. Good thinking!

Book format: paperback, glossy color cover, 344 pages, 6x9

Book description: The pendulum swings freely measuring our lives in minutes, days and years through the passage of time. Life, as we know it changes. Sky Blue Pink visits the memories of yesteryear when simply holding hands, while waiting for a first kiss was pure joy. Letters were the main source of communication, a father’s values honored, turntables spun vinyl and rotary dial telephones hung on kitchen walls.

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Elizabeth the Dreamer

by Beth Guillot

The author, a talented architect, has created the book to not only impact young lives, but to also expand her business. Very creative! And when an architect gives you a bid and a book for your child, where are you going to take your business? Brilliant!

Book format: hardback, full color, 40 pages, 8.5x11

Book description: For children, this story of a young girl with asthma growing up into an accomplished architect is fun and encouraging! Written by the author ... it's her true story, one that will motivate parents and grandparents to make a difference and one that will motivate young readers to keep going, despite the odds.

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Ethan Learns How to Tame the Money Monster

by Judith McNiff, CFP

Written for children, the intent is to pull in the parents and grandparents. That's a perfect plan for the certified financial planner author! Business growth, getting more clients, and teaching at all levels, this is all accomplished through this fun book. A very smart move!

Book format: hardback, glossy color cover, full color, 24 pages, 8.5x11

Book description: Start your kids off right—learning how to earn, save, invest, and spend money. Award-winning financial advisor Judith McNiff combines her passion for teaching and her knowledge of money management. In this first book, follow Ethan as he loses a precious toy and needs to find a way to pay for the replacement. His mom teaches Ethan responsibility in a few easy steps, and together, they keep the dreaded Money Monster away!

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Know Love Live Loved

by Brian Mast

Created to open doors, this book is small and versatile, yet incredibly impactful! It is part of an ebook marketing plan as a fundraiser, and its printed version can be ordered at very low prices as giveaways.

Book format: paperback, matte color cover, 144 pages, 5x7

Book description: Begin by accepting that you are loved. Just accept it. Say it to yourself: "I accept the fact that I am loved." That wasn't so bad. Now ... can you measure it, understand it, break it, or stop it? No, you can't, but that doesn't change the fact that you are loved, now does it? Good. Remember that. Forever. From there, you build.

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